Three Reasons to use a Programmable Thermostat
Space heating is the largest energy expense in the average U.S home, accounting for about 45% of energy costs. Homeowners frequently heat and cool their homes when it is not needed. This is where a programmable thermostat can help reduce costs and maintain performance over the life of your HVAC system.
Here are three reasons why every homeowner should consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat:
Energy Savings – Homeowners can save as much as 10% a year on energy costs by turning back the temperature of their thermostat 7 to 10 degrees for 8 hours per day from its normal setting. For every 1 degree Fahrenheit you turn your thermostat down, you will use 1% less energy. For example, if you reduce your heating by 10 degrees overnight, you will use 10% less energy.
Convenience – Programmable thermostats allow homeowners to adjust the temperature according to their schedule. They can be set to change based on whether or not the home is occupied or homeowners are awake or asleep. There are several types of thermostats available including ones that offer a full seven-day program to ones that learn from your schedule based on motion detection technology.
Regardless of the type of programmable thermostat you decide on, once you set your schedule, you’re ready to go. There’s no need to manually change the temperature settings every day. Most Wi-Fi thermostats offer the ability to control the temperature in your home from anywhere through a mobile app.
Prevents overuse of your system – Using a programmable thermostat helps to prevent overuse of your system by avoiding unnecessary stress to your system and can contribute to the need for frequent repairs. When you program your thermostat, you’re able to reduce the time your system is running, while maintaining home comfort.
Are you ready to upgrade to a programmable thermostat? Contact us to discuss your options and be sure to ask if any thermostat rebates are available in your area.