Heating Oil Tank Safety
Over the past several months, we have seen many heating oil storage tanks in our area beginning to deteriorate and need to be replaced. Heating oil tanks have a finite lifespan and typically corrode from the inside out. While your storage tank may look in good condition on the outside, there may be spots on the inside of the tank that could be wearing excessively thin.
If an oil tank fails, the expense of cleaning an oil leak can range from $20,000 to $50,000. Some clean-ups costing significantly more. Early detection can avoid a major issue in the future. As we approach the heating season, we are asking homeowners to look at their heating oil tank to help avoid any inconvenience or major and costly issues.
In this video, Tom Groody, Energy Product Sales Representative, reviews the steps homeowners need to take when visually inspecting their oil storage tank. After visually inspecting your heating oil tank, if you can answer yes to any of the safety checklist questions, please contact us to schedule a complimentary professional inspection of your tank.
Oil Tank Safety Checklist
- Are the tank legs unstable or on an uneven foundation?
- Do you see rust, weeping, wet spots, or excessive dents on the tank’s surface?
- Are there any drips or signs of leakage around the oil filter or valves?
- Do the oil lines run either under concrete or above ground without being encased in protective tubing?
- Are there any threats or snow or ice falling on the oil tank or filter in the winter?
- In the winter, can snow or ice block or clog the tank’s vent pipe?
- Are there any signs of spills around the fill pipe?
- Is the tank’s gauge cracked, stuck or frozen? Do you see oil or staining around it?
- Is the age of your tank more than 20 years old?