Rhoads Energy Develops Fund to Support Local Veterans in Need


Supporting veterans has been a long-standing tradition of the Rhoads Energy Family of Companies. We owe a debt of gratitude for their sacrifice and selflessness in the Armed Forces. To this, we have created the Rhoads Energy Veterans Fund to assist veterans in need throughout Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Through this Fund, the company will provide fuel deliveries and HVAC service as a way of honoring and caring for these individuals in need. The Fund is supported every day as our team is delivering heating oil and propane by designated trucks to homes and businesses throughout our service area. For every delivery these designated trucks make, a donation will be made to our Veterans Fund.

We are working in conjunction with the local Veterans Affairs offices to identify candidates in needs. Starting December 1, 2020, applications for assistance will be accepted by the Coatesville and Lebanon Veteran Affairs offices. No applications will be accepted before this date. Check back after December 1st for additional information on the contact and application process.

Learn more about the Rhoads Energy Veterans Fund at www.gallonsforvets.com.


Heating Oil Truck

The Rhoads Energy Family of Companies operates several full-service HVAC and fuel delivery companies throughout Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania.

