What are the benefits of propane standby generators?
Power outages are becoming more frequent and last longer than in previous years. Weather is the leading cause of power outages in the United States. They are usually due to winter storms or hurricanes. In 2017, the average power interruption was 7.8 hours. This is nearly double the duration from the previous year.
Many homeowners are considering their back up power options. Propane standby generators are a reliable option to protect your home and family. Forty percent of homeowners in a recent Propane Education & Research Council study felt they were somewhat unprepared for the next power outage, while 15% of homeowners felt very unprepared. Having a propane standby generator gives homeowners the comfort in knowing they’ll still have heating and air conditioning, lighting, refrigeration and other amenities in the event of an extended power outage.
Considering investing in a standby generator?
Below is a checklist to help homeowners decide if a standby generator is something they should consider for their family.
- Are you elderly or otherwise susceptible to extreme temperatures?
- Do you rely on a home medical device that is powered by electricity?
- Are you on medication or have other health-related needs that require refrigeration?
- Is your home protected by an electronic security system?
- Do you depend on a sump pump to keep your basement dry when it rains?
- Do you need heating and/or refrigeration for infant needs? (Bottles, formula preparation, etc.)
- Do you live in an area prone to serious power outages (two or more outages lasting at least 12 hours in the past year)?
- Are you operating a business out of your home that requires you to be connected?
What advantages do homeowners have with propane standby generators?
A propane-powered standby generator offers advantages that other fuel sources simply can’t match. Some of the advantages of propane standby generators include:
– They are permanently installed at your home. There’s no need to move it from a garage or shed when you need standby power.
– These generators start automatically the moment there is a loss of power. Following an outage, generators supplies standby power in as little as 10 seconds.
– Unlike diesel or gas, propane does not degrade over time, therefore making it is an ideal fuel for standby power.
– Most generators produce as little as 60 decibels of noise. This is comparable to the normal levels of a conversation.
– Generators are available in a variety of sizes to fit the needs of any sized home.
– Propane standby generators can supply the energy needs for an entire home for days.
Propane standby generators can give your family reliable backup power. You’ll also have peace of mind to be well prepared the next time the power goes out. We partner with local companies to provide you the best standby generation solution for your needs.